Primary Care Doctors Accepting New Patients in Los Banos, CA
If you are seeking a primary care doctor, you have come to the right place! We are accepting new patients! For more information contact us today or book an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 1120 West I St Suite B, Los Banos, CA 93635.

Table of Contents:
What does a primary care doctor do?
Do primary care physicians accept families?
How do I choose a new primary care doctor?
Is Los Banos Primary Care accepting new patients?
A primary care physician, or a PCP, is a doctor who covers a broad range of issues and performs routine checkups. PCPs can be seen for minor conditions, like a cold or injury, to complex chronic illnesses, and anything in between. At our primary care medical center, we can help you with your concerns, including hypertension, osteoarthritis, dementia, hypothyroidism, COPD, asthma, smoking cessation, lifestyle changes, medication management, immunizations, and much more.
You can also read further online about our services related to diabetes, geriatrics, pediatrics, preventative care, and men’s and women’s health. Patients often have a primary care physician for an extended period and see them in sickness and wellness for various medical services. Seeing a single physician for all of your concerns allows the patient and doctor to develop a strong relationship that aids in communication and overall delivery of care.
At Los Banos Primary Care, our primary care physician, Dr. Mand, MD, is known for taking the time to actively listen to her patients in order to deliver optimally personalized care. Our staff is dedicated to providing affordable care for many health problems. No matter how big or small, we are fully ready to collaborate with you and provide you with outstanding treatment.
Depending on the physician’s specialty, they might accept whole families. There are multiple primary care physicians (PCP) types, such as family doctors, internists, pediatricians, OB-GYNs, and more. A doctor specializing in family medicine often oversees families over generations and provides primary care throughout the lifespan.
Internal medicine doctors, or internists, care for adults. Though they may see patients in their late teens, they usually do not take on entire families. At Los Banos Primary Care, our primary care physician, Dr. Raminder Mand, MD, is an internal medicine doctor and if a family member have a concern, we may be able to help or provide a referral to another doctor or specialist.
Many factors should be considered when selecting a new primary care physician. It is vital that you feel safe in their care, trust their abilities, and can access their services with ease. In the United States, finding affordable health care can be difficult, so Los Banos Primary Care offers services at reasonable costs and can deliver care in various formats, like telemedicine.
Los Banos Primary Care also accepts major health insurances, including United Health Care, Anthem, Cigna, and Medicare. You will likely see your primary care physician frequently for recurring services, like medication management and annual well-visits. Hence, it is crucial that you can access their services easily. Los Banos Primary Care readily uses telemedicine to increase accessibility for all patients. By using phone calls and video conferencing, doctors can provide quality care to patients in the comfort of their homes, free of wait times and the need for travel.
Telemedicine is also a cost-effective choice and is covered in more and more insurance plans. Our office is open Monday through Friday, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, accepting walk-ins and appointments. We are conveniently located at 1120 West I Street Suite B, just off W Pacheco Boulevard. Lastly, it would help if you researched your doctor to learn about their credentials, education, experience, specialties and ensure their values in healthcare line up with yours.
Our primary physician, Dr. Raminder Mand, MD, has over 20 years of experience in internal medicine and specializes in nephrology, the diagnosis, and treatment of kidney diseases. Dr. Mand’s mission is to collaborate with her patients and a highly skilled medical team to provide customized care, maximizing your physical, mental, and spiritual health. All the greater, Dr. Mand is fluent in four languages, including Punjabi, Hindi, Spanish, and English.
Yes! Los Banos Primary Care medical center is currently accepting new patients from multiple regions of California: Los Banos, South Dos Palos, Dos Palos, Volta, Ingomar, and Trent. If you are looking for a new primary care physician, Dr. Mand is ready and excited to hear all about you, your health concerns, and your goals. You may call to make an appointment or book one online. In addition, you may send in a text question or use our virtual assistant on the Los Banos website. For more information, call us today or book an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 1120 West I St Suite B, Los Banos, CA 93635. We serve patients from Los Banos CA, South Dos Palos CA, Dos Palos CA, Volta CA, Ingomar CA, and Trent CA.